Astart Armored Giants getting shot at by jamesian forces.

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Two korkins from opposing sides of the Astarto-Jamesian Conflict charging at each other.

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Astart ships rowing into battle against the Jamesians.
They are supported by their aquatic troopers who swim alongside and underneath the galleys.

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A Tsetuling Fighter in water and on land.
Tsetuling Fighters are heavy aquatics used by Lord Bardaiya of the Astart Empire.

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The Next Chapter of Xerxesian Chronicles: The Sword of Ahura-Mazda is now out.

Chapter 17: Giants vs Magic
Xerxes and his forces attack the astart rearguard, while the astart forces led by General Minona push through the Jamesian resistance.

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An idol/statue of the goddess Sutsshak.
Astarte allows other deities to be worshipped for as long as she is seen as the strongest.

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Astart forces getting shot at by the Zaratian allies of the Jamesians.

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A takura korkin looking at the damaged south wall of astart occupied Takurium. Taken from page 156

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Kizharyuutu form Astarte about to play with Xerxes.

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An Astarto-Faronian Captain and a Faronian Heavy Swordsman whose render is an edit of the original Astarto-Faronian Officer. They are inspired by the elite warriors of the ancient Gauls.

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Princess Ato'ssa telling astart citizens of the Jamesians' magic water system in an attempt to get them to defect.

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Some more location icons I have made.
The locations represented here are
Astarte's Palace, Azagaralya built into the mountainside , Kappalya a water based city and Kiridium, a city in Northwest Jamesia.

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A Render of King Darius, The Current Monarch of Jamesia and the father of Princess Ato'ssa.
He keeps Xerxes in Ectabana so that he is close to Ato'ssa.
He wants to set up a magic water system to lessen the effects of Astarte's Desert Curse.

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Keimdya, a korkin village in Takura Forest. Takura forest contains many villages as it is a large zone not affected by Astarte's Desert Curse.

6 43

The Next Chapter of Xerxesian Chronicles: The Sword of Ahura-Mazda is now out.

Chapter 16: Lakeside Skirmish
The Astarts are marching towards the Jamesians based at Fort Niitwana. The Jamesians will try to slow them down.

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ぽにーくん!( )お誕生日おめでとう!!

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Xerxes commanding a local ostrich riding Takura korkin to scout Takurium ruins to see how much the Astarts have rebuilt it.

Takura korkins have much longer dagdza (The 6 snakes that grow out of their heads) than most other types of korkins.

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たかはやくん( )お誕生日おめでとう!!

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A group of Astart Auxillia ranged infantry troopers.
Containing a Thia trebuchet Slinger, which is a thia who uses his tail like a trebuchet arm to sling rocks and lead balls further than the common slinger can.

The other 2 are a Jaka Archer and an Astart Slinger.

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