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[OC] Advent Calendar 2021 ✨ day 15
slowly but surely... we'll get there pals... but also, this is a late birthday present for aste !! she was born on december 15 so here are all her OCs for the 15th day hehe~
(OCs belong to asterios)
Battle of Hoth by Aste17
https://t.co/JTwdLycjU7 #starwars #fanart
@IDreamOfHamill @HamillHimself @pheltzcomics @Dune_Tatooine @_Cristian_Vlad_ @hoopen_mark @LeeLeeskeewee @kenobe_wan @FieldsAwakens @bader_diedrich @BonitzMG @bollenator2 @UKToyCollector @ponygal1986 @darth_swlove03 @maka_gh @Jaydy2007 @Wembley138 @Nien_Nunb @LauraMacDB @mosaiccanyon @RoweBotRock @realmallard1 @stevecourtney79 too cute :) Thanks, Debra xo Luke And Leia by Aste17
PROMO ME I NEED 2 FOLLOWERS TO 300 hi im aste i like wizards and fish
just rkgk of my OC (aste//a) ⭐️
I couldnt decide the clothes design so i just did a rough sketch(?) for now 🥲 might change it later ( ˘ω˘ )
[OC] eeeeh it's maid day today :3c
it's also aste's oc's birthday so he's lucky to celebrate maid day too hehehhe,,, and i also took the occasion to dress YLY as a butler ^ q ^
promo me i want more mhyk oomfs
hi im aste and. Well. You’ll find out!
( i like southern country and nero and shylock )
hey its promo hour hello im aste im super cool i like mhyk and yuumori mostly
‼️🌳📸👉🐦Aste honetako #txiobatbasoan: Aste honetan haritza aurkitu beharko duzue. @TotiMtzdeLezea -ren hitzetan “…bakearen, askatasunaren zaindaria, ezagutzaren bidea eta jainkotasunarekiko eta naturako izakiekiko lotura...”. Halako altxorrari ezin diogu ihes egiten utzi ezta?
I want more mhyk oomfs promo me hi im aste i like rutile and nero mostly <3
Aste honetako #zureestiloanmarraztu erronka: Gentz del Valleren GIZAKI 💪💪💪
#gentzdelvalle #anaitasuna @komikipedia @XABIROIkomikia #gentz #gizaki
@josevisky @XABIROIkomikia @komikipedia Aste honetan ere ezin hutsik egin @josevisky -ren #zureestiloanmarraztu erronkari. Rubenen TRISKI ETA BI LUMA!
#triskietabiluma #ipurbeltz #ruben #rubenarozena #drawthisinyourstyle
Aste hontan berandu xamar baina beti bezain gogotsu! @josevisky|ren erronkari nere 6. erantzuna: #mattin handiaren #kattalingorri, #ipurbeltz mitikoan ikusia. Milesker berriz ere ariketa partekatu eder honengatik!
#zureestiloanmarraztu #marraztuhauzureestiloan #komikia #bd #comic
Aste honetako #zureestiloanmarraztu erronka: Iñaki Martiarena "Mattin"en KATALINGORRI! Zorroztu arkatzak! ✍️✍️✍️
#mattin #kattalingorri #ipurbeltz
Aste honetan @josevisky k botatako erronkari jarraituz... Zaldieroaren Euskal Taliban Jatorra...
#zureestiloanmarraztu #euskaltalibanjatorra #zaldieroa #illustration