Fun Fact:
YOHIOloid is an English Vocaloid developed for the VOCALOID3 Engine by PowerFX and VocaTone. He has two voicebanks: one for English and one for Japanese. He was voiced by and based off of the Swedish singer YOHIO.

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versión ratoncito (o al menos un intento de ello, no sé dibujar ratones ayuda)

hice estos doodles en base al juego que jugó en stream hace varias horas jjj

132 593

Apologies for the lack of any art recently. Here are some sprites of Aniki to atone for that

9 30

Another thingy from @/thatonelizard2 that I colored

This time of 👈this dork

12 68

La apariencia femenina de Jefy es tan masculina como la de Metatonex (era así?)xd solo que Jefy si la pensé al principio como una mujer, después quería que fuera un chabon, pero me gustaba la idea de generar dudas en Joshua. Como sea, Jefy es jefy su apodo en inglés sería Bossy

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This pone was getting hungry and asked if I could help them make food. I figured why not. Odd little guy =w=

Another thing I got from @/thatonelizard2 that I colored uwu

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¿Porque tan serio?

Mi dibujo mas reciente de Dolly Joker,lo hice luego de terminar de leer the killing joke.


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I listened to death by glamour for like 3 hours while drawing this,,, oopsies

3 4

Continuamos el Challenge con la usuario (Heiselanimation) como inkling.

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: Scorched, Vanish
: Spidey x2, Avengers x2, Carnage, Dr. Strange, Joe Fixit, Marauders, Photon, Punisher, She-Hulk, Star Wars, Storm, Tiger Division, Wasp, Women of Marvel, X-Treme X-Men
: Atonement Bell
: Pop's Chocklit Shoppe

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Dibujo dedicado para alguien que es mi mayor seguidor y mi amigo desde que inicie como artista en las redes.

Feliz cumpleaños mique-blogs.

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Fun Fact:
Oliver is an English Vocaloid developed for the VOCALOID3 Engine by PowerFX and VocaTone. Similarly to Sweet Ann and Big Al, his design is based on the "Frankenstein Monster" concept. He has the voice of a young choir boy.

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🌹Zhou Zishu: Atonement & Freedom🍃

132 405

Upcoming Interviews 🎙️


3.22 | The Atonement Bell

3.23 | Keepers of the Cosmos

3.24 | Everyday Magus

4 10