Day 26:

today's prompt was just another excuse to draw my hubby (who probably will die with a book in his hand)

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One ‘real’ smart Ghostbuster ;)

And a cartoon crush I had back in the day that I drew for today’s

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Day 26 of
The prompt was Smart
You best not be late returning a library book to this little guy or you may find yourself with a haunted bookcase

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The Phantom of the Opera thought Christine was his.

25. Mine

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Day 25 of
Prompt of the day was Mine
This little guy worked himself to death and keeps on working

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I’m a day behind but here is Day 24– kidnap. This little ghost wants that teddy bear!

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The Great Room and sprawling hallways of the Cavern were once dimly lit narrow passageways until the fabled Miners of Mineralé took to task.

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The royal ritual pumpkin kidnapping happens on the eve of the Harvest Feast. Grouped and gathered from the Sacred Spawning Patch, they’ll be prepared to be the guests of honor for the coming festivities.

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Day 23 of
The prompt was Serve
This ghostly waiter is serving up a platter of sparkling conversation

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