# nsfw

Happy ,our next victim is ,a lizard man who went to one too many cult-infused rave parties. Whose OC will be transformed next? Feel free to join the fun here: https://t.co/U7x6VOlRdT

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Happy ,our next victim is , looks like werewolves don't need a full moon in order to transform...which moon phase will activate your curse? Whose OC will be transformed next? Feel free to join the fun here: https://t.co/U7x6VOlRdT

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Happy ,our next victim is
,who recently found the infamous "HugWolf", nothing can stop their LUST for spreading lycanthropy through MASSIVE DILF MUSCLE HUGZ!!! Whose OC will be transformed next? Feel free to join the fun here: https://t.co/U7x6VOlRdT

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Happy ,our next victim is , Twizzlers makes werewolves' mouths happy. Whose OC will be transformed next? Feel free to join the fun here: https://t.co/U7x6VOlRdT

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Happy ,our next victim is "What are you looking at? That's just hibiscus tea on the wall!" Whose OC will be transformed next? Feel free to join the fun here: https://t.co/U7x6VOlRdT

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Happy ,our next victim is beware of going into the woods at night, you may just be transformed into a raving beast! Whose OC will be transformed next? Feel free to join the fun here: https://t.co/U7x6VOlRdT

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Happy ,our next victim is transformed but still covered in his rubber suit. Whose OC will be transformed next? Feel free to join the fun here: https://t.co/U7x6VOlRdT

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Happy ,our next victim is
"HEY! WHICH ONE OF YOU MAGGOTS BROKE MY GLASSES!?" Whose OC will be transformed next? Feel free to join the fun here:

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Enjoy the night my furious friend, and thank you so much for joining in =3

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Happy and special thanks to our first victim, who kicks off the month with a very bloody start! Remember when werewolves were bloody awesome? Whose OC will be transformed next?

Feel free to join in the fun here:

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There are 31 days in August. Let's make some purple werewolves out of your OCs! That's right returns! You know the drill, post your OCs below and I'll pick one a day to sketch tf'd as a werewolf...that's right, one a day until this month ends. Ready, Set, Go!

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Well with 's month over, it's time to wrap up this series in a nice rubbery bow and bring in the new recruits to 's Rubber Buns himself! DJ01, FP97, and X02 will be spending a while pampering and serving the big boss bear.

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Happy Late Final Drone Pic. went on a life changing vacation, and met B01. As his reward for all the loyal service to Rubber Buns, our Rubber Ambassador gets to be unlocked for this special transformation. Welcome to the New World Order Pup @.@

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Happy Late Earth will be completely covered in rubber within a week, so now the drones begin to set their sights on the invasion of space. We'll need a ship and a space captain, will guide us on our conquest. Welcome to the New World Order @.@

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Happy Late The invasion continued into September...and lookit all the new allies who decided to join our cause. See if you can name them all. Welcome to the New World Order, brothers @.@

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Happy has been captured and assimilated. a MASSIVE recruit in his own right brings us this extra large stud! Welcome to the new world order! @.@ Who's next?

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So where was Amal when Maxwell was being visited by a rubber dragon drone? Why being distracted by the dragon's partner in crime, B01!
One more to go guys! Check out Hyper's as it claims another victim for 's Mr Rubber Buns!

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Maxwell just wanted a quiet night in playing games. He didn't think twice when DJ sat down next to him...until it was too late. Check out Hyper's as it claims another victim for 's Mr Rubber Buns!

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Happy captured and assimilated. B01 brings in this MASSIVE recruit, and has given him a very important mission. E80 will hunt down rogue drones and "reeducate" them! Welcome to the new world order! And old recruits, welcome back. @.@ Who's next?

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Ah DJ, you had to insist on being the one to close up the gym after all the other staff left. Unfortunately for him, 's B01 had been targeting the dragon for a while and knew when to strike. Check out Hyper's as it claims another victim!

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