To be honest it was a hard slog finding out who was out there and what was available in Australian produced comics.    This didn't sit right

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From a young age, I started trying to draw my own comic characters and at first, they were all "Australian" based heroes and villains with the odd Kiwi characters thrown in for good measure.

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I can't describe in words the joy comics give me.  Even looking at the boxes they are stored in makes me smile with happiness.    Its a sickness I know.

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But seriously ever since 1980 when I picked up my first Asterix Comic it's been a love affair like none other.

Read the full article: Let’s Unite the Australian Comic Book Industry!

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Hi Shane Syddall here, you may remember me from such GoFundMe's as "I love comics help me buy more" or "I still need comics, please buy me more"
Read the full article: Let’s Unite the Australian Comic Book Industry!

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