6. Friendship

I'm not much of a crier, but I WILL cry when people speak sincerely about how much they love their friends.

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(2/30) - HOBBIES - If I ever find the OG Hover Head™ files somewhere buried in folders of paper in my room I’ll be sure to share them. For nwo, I just hope I’ve improved both artistically and as a storyteller since then lol

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Also why not read FACE DOWN IN THE MUD, an award almost-winning autobio comic about a bad thing that happened to me, and the lasting traumatic effects that followed in the decade after.


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Part 5 of 4, aka the fictional alternate ending of my dreams.

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I'm starting late and will pick these back up in the morning.

1.30am - coming home from girls night with my cousins. This song slaps.

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Copying Kim and changing my icon!!! I’ve had shorter hair for a while now, but haven’t done any autobiocomics recently...

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I’ve worked out a way to deal with bigoted jerks, weaponise awkward laughter.

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aka quit being dramatic and say yes to that invite.
(trying to update my semi-auto bio comic more https://t.co/tBrdWAEirN

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I drew thumbnails of this months before I actually began my autobio comics, so I’m glad it’s now complete! I miss yoga for the amazing ways it helped my mental health, but I can always go back to it someday 🧘‍♀️

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Customers like to flex that they know their barista's name

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