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【Gavadon Ultra-Katakana】オープンタイプ化しました。1999年作のフォント。『シン・ゴジラ』以降時より話題になっていた昭和怪獣タイトルロゴなカタカナ。カナ打ちは変わらず…🙇♂️その変わりAI&PDFファイル付!詳細&DLは💁♂️
'H.M.S. Centurion capturing the Spanish treasure galleon Nuestra Senora de Cavadonga off the Phillippines, 20th June 1743' by Montague Dawson.
What IF!?? Crypto-icons and AVADONS collides!!
NFT Giveaways Part 1
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「Simple. He was trying to protect the real culprit. His adopted older sister, Germaine Avadonia!」
24.11.21 VS. 13.05.21.
Original illustration by Ichika from The Daughter of Evil: Praeludium of Red.
|| #Evillious_Chronicles || #EvilliousChronicles || #Evillious ||
@azurlane_staff I wouldn't have expected to ever see Gavadon in Azur Lane
yes, she is avadon, the one in the first drawing, she is a trans girl, this is her previous ... "form" so to speak, before she completely changed
#nsfwfurry #nsfwoc #nsfwocart #notsafeforworkcontent #nsfwocs
I've drawn allen avadonia consistently and long enough to compare my art progress using him and him only god bless
Today's second tragic pair of the day is Riliane Lucifen d’Autriche and Allan Avadonia from the Evillious Chronicles !
Not great at drawing boys lol but here's Aether as Allen Avadonia (Len from the daughter of evil stuff)
Time to do big think bc I have no clue who the others would be...Miku might be Jean based solely on mondstadt/anemo affiliation matching kingdom of green nicely 😃
こちらの大会、Milunaメンバーであり、なおかつAPEX ALGS WC Playoffs 日本1位のGTS AvadoNプロ @avadonfps がコーチになってくださいました!!!
@KuriMuKui that he killed Leonhart and Germaine is the True Daughter of Evil?? for some reason?? And she's forced to let him die
that's the most basic gist I can give thatll give context to my tweet if u have more questions lemme know 😎
also here r some Avadonia pix I care them so much,
This is one of those works that i loved at the beginning and hated at the end 🧡💛🪞🪞🪞🪞 #evilliouschronicles #AllenAvadonia #RilianeLucifendAutriche #daughterofevil #servantofevil
I'm bored + still sick so let me make thread and info dump about Olivier Avadonia— or just Ollie.
- adoptive son of Germaine. she was travelling when she saw an abandoned boy and tried bringing him to an orphanage. throughout their journey ollie didn't stop clinging onto her