I dreamt I was watching an episode of AVGN but he was looking at fucked up hitboxes. He was just looking at all of these and yelling "WHAT WERE THEY THINKIIIIIIIIING"

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how do you draw avgn

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Loved the AVGN video by Lady Emily ()
Here is them with a bottle of Rolling Rock 💚

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Mostly a shit post lol

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3월 17일은 아일랜드의 수호성인 성 패트릭(라틴어로는 라트리치오, 아일랜드어로는 파드라그)의 날로, 이 시기엔 초록색 옷을 입고 초록색으로 입힌 음식을 먹는다고 합니다. 그런 이미지로 유명해서 AVGN에서 슈퍼맨 리뷰를 할 때에 다 초록색 복장이라고 성 패트릭의 날 드립도 치신..........

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been binging a lot of old AVGN episodes lately

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I’ve been on a AVGN binge lately thanks to the season compilations.

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It was brought up during stream last night that I should be drawn as the Critic or AVGN and do a review.....then dropped this magical bomb and I'm DEAD!!

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It's not just an review, it's one of the more popular AVGN reviews.


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TONIGHT at 7pm PDT, we're playing what many tout as the hardest NES game of all time: SILVER SURFER!

Bullets kill you. Walls kill you. Your thumb kills you. In the immortal words of AVGN: "You die, you die, you die!"

Can we beat it? Let's keep this ~PARTER PUSH~ going! 🌊💜

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AVGN color done by go check him out

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Just a handful of renditions I did almost a decade ago of popular internet folk. Maybe I should do some updating some time.

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Another classic AVGN episode. Not the worst game he's ever reviewed, but any game he touches on really isn't the best game you could be playing.

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My picks are
- Gravity Rush (Vita version)
-Shantae Half Genie Hero
-Scott Pilgrim Vs The World The Game

Honorable mentions include Persona 5 Strikers, AVGN Adventures and Skyward Sword HD https://t.co/T0mEKIYERH

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She's the angriest gamer you've ever heard~
She's the ultimate video game neeeeerd~

i've seen others draw an AVGN chiaki and i liked the idea so i stole it, as is the american dream.

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I did fanart of the nerd 👌#avgn

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