Remember to take time for yourself, to take care of you.

You cannot help others if your tank is empty.

Smile, Breathe, and remember there is time.

9 22

Happy Halloween everypony! Don't not let the Boos, Ghouls, and other creatures of the night scare you!

Have a safe and spooky evening!

3 21

Hey, We are going live today at 6 pm on our discord for some fun and friendship!

Roll on by!!

5 19

Our next department in our Department Spotlight is Logistics.

BABSCon: Which mascot is your favorite?

Logistics: I love Bonita. I don't know why. But she is so cute.

BABSCon: Maybe it's the wheels.

4 20

We are so excited to meet these two and have fun making new friends!

So many activities and events!

Come Join Us!

1 4

If you could ask a question of any of our mascots or others who have shared the stage with them, Who would you ask? What would you ask them?

2 17

If we were to design/ create an unnamed drink, to be released at BABSCon? What would you put in it?

Remember it should have a non-alcoholic version so kids can taste it too!

🎨 Mars

2 14

The theme for BABSCon 2023 is Nostalgia. When you hear the word Nostalgia- what do you think of? In your memories where do you go?

🎨 Mars

5 34

BABSCon would like to recognize Chimera for drawing this.

🎨Chimera's Den

0 17

We are only 10 days away from our Twitter Circle.

We are going to see how our art goes from one line to full image with color.

Want to join- This is a a subscription. Opt-in/ out as you see fit.


3 12

What childhood tales do you like best? Which make you feel warm and fuzzy?

Do you like the old fairy tales or the new fairy tales better?

🎨 Artist currently Unknown

2 19

In the notes area on PayPal enter: October Twitter Circle Sub
Email marketing .com with your twitter handle so you can be added

🎨 Moozua


3 10

animal rescue organizations, food pantries, etc.

Congratulations, Your Majesty, may your reign be fruitful.

🎨 Artist Currently Unknown
🎨 Lady Phoenix Picture by Lorin Bagley

0 5

If you could put our mascots on any items or swag, what would you put them on? Sweatshirts? Leggings? We are all ears let us hear your thoughts.

🎨 Artist currently unknown

0 10

In the notes area on PayPal enter: October Twitter Circle Sub
Email marketing .com with your twitter handle so you can be added
🎨 Artist Currently Unknown


1 2

We know Golden Gate loves chocolate and deletes it from the universe every chance she gets. If you could give her one magic item or one item made of chocolate what would you give her?


3 37

In the notes area on PayPal enter: October Twitter Circle Sub

Email marketing .com with your twitter handle so you can be added

🎨 Artist Currently Unknown

1 4

BABSCon: Our 10 year anniversary is next year, what do you hope the theme is?

MidPrem: Because it’s an anniversary…Double Cowboy. Everyone gets TWO cowboy hats.


1 30

Hey there!

Want to see our artists work come to life as it happens?

We have mentioned we are doing a Twitter Circle Starting on October first. To join head to our site here:

The subscription is 10 dollars per month.

🎨 MidPrem

1 12

In the notes area on PayPal enter: October Twitter Circle Sub

Email marketing .com with your twitter handle so you can be added


0 13