Lucid faded arvo piece from fucking around with in the 🤘

Tom Morrow and cat.

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One more super late night piece.

So fucking stoned if I wake up tomorrow and this is a train then that’s all good too🤘

Should’ve been asleep hours ago.

Stuck in wondering what the fuck land.

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H A N U M A N.

So fucking badass that even the god of death Yama feared him 🔥

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Friday morning monster demon.

Brainless, godless, ugly as fuck… to us.

A completely normal set of programming to itself. Fully badass on the battlefield. Can smash the fuck outta faces.

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Busted my butt off today but managed to make one lil Grim inbetween the madness. Being boss sucks. Hate lots.

Cheer the Reaper.

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Sunday morn piece. Faded beyond belief today. Sales dead, likes dried up and I’m not even sure who’s doing their five mins of fame atm. Meh.

Rage on.

Monster monkeying around.

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Monday morning jam.

Eruption and decimation of Mt. Doom.

The bottleneck broke and now the old peak lies in a riverbed of lava nearby.
A historic geographical beheading.

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Super late night piece. Can’t sleep. Overthinking Bigfoot again. And Martians. And Martian Bigfoots.

Our reality is on fire.

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