and then he walked straight into my ruler!! could you believe something like that would just happen??

15 63

Library npc susan who reads stories and has a Very Interesting :))) puppet

9 35

what would a rag tom floppy shirt even look like??? a dish rag wearing a shirt, right? would it be spongebob colored?

5 18

Susan centaur to go with my Baldi centaur

8 30

Your completely normal teacher who only sometimes enters a feral rage state
Also small TW // blood

1 9

"this is baldi's basics fanart"
"you're insane"

4 33

imagine ur an evil teacher and suddenly ur wife giv u kissy

16 39

bbbbbbsdkljglsdglsdf susanbaldi time :)

14 51

En la minihistoria de Enel conocimos al profesor Tsukimi. quien vivía en la isla Karakuri. Resulta que posteriormente se revelaría esta isla como el hogar de nacimiento de Vegapunk, más específicamente en el famoso Reino futurista de Baldimore...+

4 67