Why do people always attack my line of work as being some kind of barometer for low intelligence?

Half of these onions couldn't even read and understand the scripts, never mind visualise them on a comics page.


0 17


18:30〜 オープン
18:50〜 オープニングセレモニー
19:00〜 YOUND
19:50〜 bulbs of passion
20:40〜 nape's
21:30〜 ベランダ


7 20

Antique Banjo Barometer, English, Rosewood, Mother of Pearl, Victorian, C.1900

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Antique Aneroid Barometer, English, Winstanley of Wigan, Oak, Banjo, Temperature

0 0

Map shows the falling religiosity among people in Northern Africa and the Arab peninsula. Data show the share of population describing themselves as "Not Religious" (Arab Barometer surveys). Source: https://t.co/rX7iZlrzVF

326 734

„Politbarometer vor Landtagswahlen:
In Brandenburg SPD und AfD etwa gleichauf, in Sachsen Afd zweitstärkste Kraft nach CDU“

5 9

What can studying the market for prints and drawings can teach us about satire as a barometer of a society?

0 1

Antique Stick Barometer, Davis Leeds, English, Oak, Scientific Instrument c.1830


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It depends on your mental condition whether you think this is interesting or ugly..

0 1

Entry 392: Helen Acklam - 'barometer' and 'mam'

0 3

Illo for todays column about museums - feat. a pencil, a lawnmower, barometers & - https://t.co/isHVKGo4yQ

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Art Nouveau Barometer. German Barometer. Carved Wo http://t.co/tufFu6FUY7

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