Today's Test Server update brings a reinforcement to barricades so they no longer break when vaulting through barricaded windows.

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🛑North Oakkala Red Zone🛑

Terrorists burn the resident's barricades near North Oakkala bridge not to save arrested protestors.
tw // violence

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More of Chemodanov's wonderful postcards. Thanks to the Calvert Journal for publishing an extract from Tobie Mathew's Greetings from the Barricades which explores the history of Russian picture postcards.

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2/2 Family on the barricades, ready to stand strong in 1848, and painted by Daumier.

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I have a big weakness for gargoyles. And when I first saw the stone-born in Revendreth, I immediately fell in love with them. Kaal and Draven... Stoneborn, once close to each other found themselves on different sides of the barricades...

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In Guilty Parade, you look at an obscure war from two sides of barricades in Novel mode and investigate a mysterious crime in Point & Click mode. You meet quirky characters and decide which side in the military conflict you want to support.

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136. Castofeu
Fkmn Castor
Il construit des barricades sur terre et y met feu afin de rester au chaud. On peut parfois le voir utiliser sa queue comme un grill.

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OTD 1600 Mountjoy got tactical in the Moyry Pass as he sent 2 infantry regiments to assault the Irish trenches on the left flank. A demonstration by 5 regts at the barricades tried to draw off the Irish but the attack was strongly rebuffed by Tyrone's counterattack

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Fire poured in on the English from front & flank at point blank range. William Godolphins horse's brains 'sparkled into his face' as they were blown out. MJ troops took 2 barricades but after 4 hours of brutal fighting the battered English withdrew with 55 killed and 140 wounded

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In Guilty Parade, you look at an obscure war from two sides of barricades in Novel mode and investigate a mysterious crime in Point & Click mode. You meet quirky characters and decide which side in the military conflict you want to support.

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We knew we lost when the barricades went up. Still no justice. Wake up

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Honestly one thing that I loved about Is that DC as a brand just feels so unified. From the movies to the shows it all just kinda feels like one thing no yellow tape, no barricades. it’s something that I think the the fans have been wanting for years!!

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it's been 6 years since Dallas ran so here I am with an extremely topical joke

every time I see Watts' barricades scarf beret combo I fucking lose it

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In Guilty Parade, you look at an obscure war from two sides of barricades in Novel mode and investigate a mysterious crime in Point & Click mode. You meet quirky characters and decide which side in the military conflict you want to support.

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anyone who sides with israel against the palestinians is on the other side of the barricades on everything else as well, bc it's all one common struggle. they are enemies who deserve nothing but eternal contempt, disgust and hatred. this is basic shit, but liberals can't grasp it

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People are like onions.
Each layer tells a different stories
That makes up their tall and strong walls.
These are their boundaries and barricades
That were meant for climbing and rescuing
The child who got stuck inside.

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New Boltmatrix Transformation: Duckbuild

Duckbuild is a DNA Sample of a Geoplatsc from the same planet as Kickin' Hawk. He can manipulate the ground to create constructs such as barricades, shields, and pitfalls. He can also breath underwater and use sonar senses.

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Hi! We're making Guilty Parade.
In the game you look at an obscure war from two sides of barricades and investigate a mysterious crime in Point & Click mode. You meet quirky characters and decide which side in the military conflict you want to support.
Hope you'll enjoy it!

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Do you live near/ in an area that's been barbed wired during the Malaysia lockdowns? Do you have photos of fences/ barricades in your area to share?

I'm gathering references for an illustration project and will credit you if you want. Please DM or email

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