My copic died while I was coloring her back :( - drawing cleopatra was fun and even tho she’s not part of the order of ancients but like she’s affiliated with them soooo ;)

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Wanted to pay homage to a super romantic shot I took around this time last year.

Love you, Bayek.

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Sometimes I can’t put into words the feelings behind some of my photos.

Also, this is the bordered Instagram version, which I happen to like more than the original.

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It’s rare I end up with so many landscapes I like. I probably spent hours in search of interesting dunes for these.

7 132

Tempting me every time I walk into my I ordered another! One to enjoy and one to save! Now if only it’d get here quick so I can open this one. Can’t risk receiving the wrong order and it going out of stock!

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Before you comment
The comic is suppose to be a joke to the people who compareevery assassin with Ezio. I am not attacking anyone who likes Ezio. I understand how important he was for the franchise.

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