Happy pride to the fandom from Whether you are made of love or smiling on that distant shore, we love you!

3-day passes for 2018 on sale NOW at https://t.co/skoZFXTOK2

Prices go up on July 1!

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Happy This is the most adorable Blue and Yellow Diamond picture ever. It’s especially appropriate considering it’s This piece was created by Show them some love!

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Happy Believe in Steven! Believe in Today we have a lovely piece by . Enjoy!

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“The hard part was getting the shark to pose.”--Garnet

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Who doesn't love a GREAT Sugilite pic to celebrate and kickoff their weekend? Artist: Gabriel Miranda find them on Instagram Gabriel Funfact: I STILL have a hard time spelling Sugilite and have to look it up EVERY TIME

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We made it through one more week! How bout we celebrate with a lil This wonderful piece was created by Lindsey Deets of Instagram! Show some love!

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Another week closer to 2018! Let’s kick this weekend off with fabulous fusion

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Ugh, I hate it when you're right. You get this look on your face... Yeah, that's the one.-- Amethyst

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No Friday is complete without fanart! This we have a fierce Garnet/Peridot fusion by of Instagram! They have several other fusions on their profile, so don’t forget to pay them a visit!

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It's again! This time, we have a piece from the amaaazing of Instagram. Witness this wonderful portrait.

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“Oh. Where are my manners? Oh. Where are my manners? Oh. Where are my manners?”— The Gems,Always go back for seconds!

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