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歴代誌第1 29:13
「And now we thank you, our God, and praise your glorious name.」
1 Chronicles 29:13 ESV
聖書 新改訳©2017 新日本聖書刊行会.ESV
「And everyone who thus hopes in him purifies himself as he is pure.」
1 John 3:3 ESV 聖書 新改訳©2017 新日本聖書刊行会.ESV
ローマ(ROMANS)12:10 聖書 新改訳©2017 新日本聖書刊行会.ESV
歴代誌第1 4:40
「where they found rich, good pasture, and the land was very broad, quiet, and peaceful,
1 Chronicles 4:40 ESV
聖書 新改訳©2017 新日本聖書刊行会.ESV
エペソ/EPHESIANS 3:12
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ヨハネ/JOHN 1:12
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ESV(English standerd Version
詩篇/PSALM 112:4
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マタイ/MATTHEW 11:15
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詩篇/PSALM 130:5
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詩篇/PSALM 30:7
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#bible#church#christian#glory#godspel#greace#hope#jesus#lord#love#life#pray#praise#peace#rejoice#truth#賛美#聖書#みことば#いのち#イエスキリスト# HAPPY#great
ルカ/LUKE 12:32
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#bible#church#christian#glory#godspel#greace#hope#jesus#lord#love#life#pray#praise#peace#rejoice#truth#賛美#聖書#みことば#いのち#イエスキリスト# HAPPY#great#stairs
第1テモテ/1TIMOTHY 6:7
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聖書 新改訳©2017 新日本聖書刊行会
ESV(English standerd Version)
#bible#church#christian#glory#godspel#greace#hope#jesus#lord#love#life#pray#praise#peace#rejoice#truth#賛美#聖書#みことば#いのち#イエスキリスト# HAPPY#great