bluh bluh cosas viejas pq no he dibujado nada nuevo

15 87


I can't stop yawning today 🥱 I'm so glad we're nearly at the weekend BLUH

6 134

Bluh, it work time again XD Retail awaits >:V Have another WIP of the stimky bean.

5 14

sh /
QRT w red art bluh bluh dramatic ass loves red sm

0 4

They're sending another tech person to check on the internet
Bluh I wanna stream...

1 9

this is why i never try new things bluh

13 77

five nights at gamzee’s …. this was mostly inspired by ‘s gamzee audio!!! lol ..

1 27

I'm feeling under the weather after today bluh... 😷 I'm low on funds for medicine and soup, if anyone wants to 0rder pfp art (or even if you'd like a PNGtuber model!) my DMs are open!!! 🙏 PFP Art is 45 U5D & 1-2wk turnaround!

Oldies but goodies, also an old adopt for sale too!

12 17

bdc pokemon au and shit bluh blub bluh guh bluh

pokemon trainer sona bluh

2 13