Hot off the brushes, “Out on the Marsh”. Watercolour on Bockingford. Reference own photo.

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Finished this one last night, left him to dry so I could scan it in this morning. If he weren’t for the exhibition I’d be tempted to put him on my own wall!

Field Mouse No.1
Watercolour, A4
425gsm Bockingford Cold-Pressed Paper

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Finished! Making the most of a sunny day and all that light.
Watercolour on 425gsm Bockingford Paper


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Red Pepper
I for a while I haven't managed to work from life, so today I decided to have a go.
Colours Cadmium Red, Neutral grey, French Ultramarine
Paper HP 300g. Brush 2/0 ISABEY PETIT Mop

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