Made Sonic.exe thingy OC because im boder lol

Hollow sonic kai
-Once he was a regular sonic till he fall into spike pit and dies, then he got revived with Dark ring. Now he alive again and he going to tell you to buy crack (because hes evil now!!! Fear him!!!)

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XD it fine but what about my other oc X3 yes if you ever played boderlands He is litary based on my fallout 4 handsome Jack XD

But i keep fergeting his name XD

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Another oc woooo!!!
This is Sandra! No. Not female boder [unless- /j]

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Softcore, Boderline, New person same old mistakes.

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*Drops and runs away*
Reference sheets of Bofo and Boder!
Some of the lines were erased by Boder himself so I guess you need to find out by your own

9 54

POV: You and the scrunkly got lost in the woods so you guys tried looking for Boder. Whew lighting 👌 I had so much fun drawing Bowaev hehe <3!

21 81

Christmas PFP - Got help with this drawing from because I'm garboder at lineart and posint gxp

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I drew a design for Bowaev EX on stream while watching the man hunt unfortunately I couldn't get to Boder today maybe after the update comes out we I can draw boder. I'm very excited for the upcoming weeks in the bnb mod :)

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I never thought I would love to glue a character with another character

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alright what god possessed me to make Boder's shading look absolutely baller, who allowed this.

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K, but now Boder is 21 and Bouoev is 16

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I know Boder's mute, but how does he talk? I thought that he talk out of the gem on his head, or does he sign language? Can you guys tell wich one is right?
(I know I probably sound stupid, but I really don't know)

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Anyways, this is my last art, tomorrow I'll go to my boarding school !! So have a 40k dtiys that i draw
Original dtiys by: amoraltra

Dont steal my art also, have a good day guys !!

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