A Random Alphabet full of Illustrators ...B is for Ida Bohatta (1889 -1958) an Austrian Illustrator and Author also known as Ida Bohatta-Morpurgo. She was best known for her depiction of Elves and Flower Children

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A Random Alphabet full of Illustrators ...B is for Ida Bohatta (1889 -1958) an Austrian Illustrator and Author also known as Ida Bohatta-Morpurgo. She was best known for her depiction of Elves and Flower Children

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A Random Alphabet full of Illustrators ...B is for Ida Bohatta (1889 -1958) an Austrian Illustrator and Author also known as Ida Bohatta-Morpurgo. She was best known for her depiction of Elves and Flower Children

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A Random Alphabet full of Illustrators ...B is for Ida Bohatta (1889 -1958) an Austrian Illustrator and Author also known as Ida Bohatta-Morpurgo. She was best known for her depiction of Elves and Flower Children

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A Random Alphabet full of Illustrators ...B is for Ida Bohatta (1889 -1958) an Austrian Illustrator and Author also known as Ida Bohatta-Morpurgo. She was best known for her depiction of Elves and Flower Children

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A Random Alphabet full of Illustrators ...B is for Ida Bohatta (1889 -1958) an Austrian Illustrator and Author also known as Ida Bohatta-Morpurgo. She was best known for her depiction of Elves and Flower Children

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A Random Alphabet full of Illustrators ...B is for Ida Bohatta (1889 -1958) an Austrian Illustrator and Author also known as Ida Bohatta-Morpurgo. She was best known for her depiction of Elves and Flower Children

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Good day all, missed you all last night as spent six hours in A and E till 4.30am. Still in pain so soz if I'm not about much today 🙋‍♀️💜🕊

🎨Ida Bohatta

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イーダ・ボハッタ Ida Bohatta

ドイツ語圏で、世代を超えて愛されてきた作家で、その著作は70冊を超える。 愛らしくユーモアあふれる作品の数々は、草花やちいさな生き物たちへのあたたかい眼差しが印象的。1992年11月、没。

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From you have I been absent in the spring,
When proud-pied April dress’d in all his trim
Hath put a spirit of youth in every thing,
That heavy Saturn laugh’d and leap’d with him.
Sonnet 98
Ida Bohatta c1930’s

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"Weiden" von Eva Strittmatter

Gleichzeitig ist es auch wieder ein kleines Bohatta-Fanart geworden. Ich bewundere ihre Blumenkinder einfach zu sehr. 🥺

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