so i heard mixue just open their shop in his block-
may i present you, BONXUE-

<Note: im sorry om but i had to>

31 101

I forgot to show, but these are some of the art and storyboard panels I've made for "All I Want (cover by Bonnito)" which premiered last 19 Sept 2022 for Bon's birthday.


247 1171

써니는 배우면 잘할 것 같고…보니는 그냥 한국인

462 1438

Plan to make this for the 19project but didn't manage to finish in time 💦
Otsukare for the project!✨✨


200 647




10 34

100K LET’S GO!!

Congrats Om Bon! I'm really happy to see the channel grow and hit that milestone! Can’t wait to see where the channel goes from here!

[commissioned by a fellow bonnito]

71 237

just call me when you want to play ow2

322 2059