She is Totratchi. She look like original Tamagotchi.
She wear outdoor gear of Bootique. It's adorable girl.

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Some more older base edits I have done for others.

Base Credits:
- admirariadopts
- BootiQueenx
- DemiM0n
- Mlardis-MLP

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This outfit wear, and full metal version in Bootique.
Kitich the cat. His weard uniform is metalic.

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Yurô's family in cosmo galaxy, Poyo-chan cosplayed Nami, Bootique of outdoor gear weard Umetchi the mother, Space suit weard Hyoga the boy.

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Poster Boo Tchou dispo dans la Bootique !

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@MattheRabbit My character Rüdè and Mat the rabbit. There are weard outdoor gear of Bootique. There polo-shirt, shorts and boots is adorable!

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Bootique version Rüdè the human boy.

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Outdoor gear of Bootique weard Pom-pom Putin the pudding color dog in Sanrio.

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Bootique uniform wared Eurä playing kick the candyball. Japan vs Scotland in the football of FIFA women's worldcup to 14 June.

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Happy birthday dear Mat Kelman! Rüdè and ATOΣ weard outdoor gear of Bootique style at like an undies café.

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There are Mat's outdoor gear weard character in Bootique.
Fuwa the star child mascot in Star Twincle Precure, and Gunma-chan the horse child of pony in Gunma prefecture Japan.

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@MattheRabbit ナカノ族の服 Bootique x Keiryudo
ATOΣ, Eurä and Rudè. There are weard cute clothes of outdoor gear. This wear are Polo-shirt, shine boots, shorts and skirt.

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Meet Bootique. She came at me with those scissors in a dream the other night, but now I love her.

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