Ricardo Peregrina es uno de los grandes cronistas no oficiales de la casa real.
Ricardo Peregrina, Borbón y cuenta nueva, El Jueves, 1/6/2012.
Más crónicas aquí https://t.co/eg10yk2sje

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Korian loses most of his power due to Borbón stripping away his god ki. He falls in a later battle due to his weakened state. He accidentally spies the planet’s super moon and transforms into a Golden Oozaru. Shihori struggles to bring him back but overcomes the odds to unleash..

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SSJ4 Korian to Varider - “I have a counter proposal for you Vardier. You hand over the boys to leave me and leave my universe forever. Borbón needs to pay for what she’s done, but I’m willing to cut you some slack. Refuse and I swear I’ll kill you where you stand.”

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Retrato de María Luisa Teresa de Borbón, realizado en 1834, a los diez años de edad, por Antonio María Esquivel (Sevilla, 1806- Madrid, 1857) fue un pintor sevillano de temas románticos y retratista, ​​ padre de los pintores Carlos María Esquivel y Rivas y Vicente Esquivel

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¿Los fachis llamando "Felpudo VI" al rey?
¿Se viene una Tercera República de derechas como la que imaginé en Borbón y cuenta nueva?

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Got some boys too, just in case. Official character with a Salt twist 😏 Super Mira, nemesis of Korian and overall PITA. Vardier, fuck boy of Borbón and a classic case of he's WAY stronger than he looks, and finally Kanzō, hunter swordsman, henchman of Vardier, and kinda rapey 😒

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Bad girl Shihori, Borbón, super powerful yandere bad girl, and Takah, bestest best friend, sister from another mister hero to villain in slightly bad girl and full on fucking demon beating in a child forms. Enjoy! 😉

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Borbón helped Korian fall down some stairs. Repeatedly.

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Mucho lío con las .Tal vez no era la para ,podría ser la (no la de robar como si no hubiese un mañana y zorrear cada noche) me refiero a la borbónica.


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El PSOE protegiendo al campechano, impidiendo que se le investigue en el Congreso.

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No posicionarse es estar del lado de los hostigadores y los siniestros...por ello encabeza el grupo de militares antidemocráticos y fascistas.

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Los acérrimos monárquicos decian que gracias a él los empresarios españoles conseguían contratos "embajador de empresarios españoles" lo llamaban.

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“Con los reyes nació la tiranía.”


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If you believe in karma then it came back to him. Borbón was easily handling SSJ4 Korian and then some when she added insult to injury. She kicked him in the nuts when he attempted an aerial spinning back kick on her. Took the wind out of his sails for a minute. 😬

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