gm statues !!

i might stream tonight !! maybe some valo or late night leauge or maybe bore yall w an otome game I'm playing atm !!! who knows :D we shall see tho >:3


4 52

In Vietnamese creation myth, Âu Cơ was a kind-hearted snow fairy who lived in a snow-capped mountain. She married Lạc Long Quân, the "Dragon Lord of Lạc", and bore 100 children, who later became the ancestors of Vietnamese people. 1/3

19 50

desisns for cursed aldryx au becaus im bore d

11 73

The moon will sing a song for me
I loved you like the sun
Bore the shadows that you made
With no light of my own

8 97

Ok Nathaniel would discipline him and bore him while Elaine just takes care of him if Logan told her his mom is gone (she's an affectionate angel)

0 2

Daemon was the 1st & greatest of 5 Blackfyre Pretenders. Daemon bore the arms of House Targaryen with the colors reversed, a black three-headed Dragon on a red field, earning the name "The Black Dragon"

4 10

Merry Christmas, friends!✨💫
My unplanned "vacation" is still going on🤒
But back to being active on Twitter. I can still bore you😘
P.s: what year are these and pictures. Last year I drew a snowman and this year...

3 16

'The holly bears a berry, As red as any blood, & Mary bore sweet Jesus Christ, For to do us sinners good.' A wood block print from the collection by Gerard’s Herbal- 1597.

0 0

welp. at least no one was seriously hurt... except for the children psyches considering they all just bore witness to a random festive bear mauling. either way happy holidays and merry Christmas Comrades💜💜💜

25 166

My brain when I have to come up with a reply that doesn't bore the other person to death

1 17

Exam was finally done so now I just gonna bore myself

0 0

I wasn't the only person that looked at Artem's new card and thought his Christmas tree bore an uncanny resemblance... right?

30 181

The legs are BIIIIG. Going full bore, fingers extra crossed this turn out OK

1 12

The distant descendant of Excadrill, Iron Bore is a Fighting / Steel type Paradox Pokemon that can turn its body into a drill that can tunnel through anything.

8 23

She really had to memorize all of that stuff... just to bore him to death...


468 3833

a god of dead, king of Duat, was previously a god of fertility. He was killed by a god of war and desert. suggests Seth was not able to conceive a son, dry as the desert he was a lord of, so Osiris took over in his spouse bed and bore Annubis.

40 193