drawing silly little creatures chilling in containers brings me joy

1200 7468

Magnolia Kitty
Pet portrait botanimal commission.✨ Thank you!

52 318

🌱just a lil dude with his little dudes

284 3126

Playing Wildflower Pup
Botanimal pet commission. ✨ Thank you!

49 224

Multicolored Poppies Kitty
Pet portrait botanimal commission.✨ Thank you!

75 364

Shamrock and Daffodil Kitty
Pet portrait botanimal commission.✨ Thank you!

61 296

Rowan Golden Tiger 🐅
Throwback botanimal commission from 2020.✨ Thank you!

104 494

Daisy Opossum 🌼
An Illustration shared with patrons a few months ago. ✨ Thank you!

118 398

Viola Kittens
Pet portrait botanimal commission.✨ Thank you!

136 564

Lilac Dog
Botanimal pet commission. ✨ Thank you!

78 416

some new veggie buddies🥬#EliosBotanimals

2330 16417

Snowdrop Friends
Botanimal commission. ❄️ Thank you!

33 207

Herby Bunnies
Botanimal Pet Commission ✨ Thank you!

148 650

Peony Doggo
Pet portrait botanimal commission. Thank you!

37 229

Cherry Blossom and Forget-Me-Not Kitties
Pet portrait botanimal commission from a patron! ✨ Thank you!

164 683

Mossy Lily of the Valley Spotted Seal
Botanimal Commission ✨ Thank you!

273 1084

Wild Rose Kitty
Pet portrait botanimal commission. Thank you!

99 588

Lavender Soft Kitty
Pet portrait botanimal commission. Thank you!

69 389