Hexer- can curse people, make potions, and probably other things. they used a potion to revive Danny(an oc)
Glitchard- uh technology n digital themed magic ig?? brought Botter(an oc) to life and gave it a cool arm
No- can do all sorts of shit i cant add bc word limit

0 0

Avec nous avons créé un monde Portal Knights. Alors nous voici, son guerrier et mon mage, prêts à botter le derrière des monstres ! 🗡🔮

2 16

hi Kyonutz can you do the betty botter tougue twister in bri'ish accent

1 6

When Access List? Now.

Public raffle to join the FREE MINT coming in 1 hour.

Follow Us
Be in Discord
Have at least 0.03 in wallet (avoid botters), only for register, you don't need it for mint.

Public raffle with 200 spots will be announced.


46 71

We paused our mint after a notorious botter exploited our contract to Mint 163 NFTs. We sent our new Masako to fend them off

Sadly we lost the Summoning Scrolls to the Void. DO NOT BUY THEM on OS. Let's not feed the troll

Update s00n

61 182

Je prépare des petits visus dans le but d'en faire des posters

Ça vous botterait ?

12 33

Diane est prête à botter des culs, c'est parfait. Elle elle est pas mignonne, ne dites pas ça, ça va se retourner contre vous.

0 4

Nuovi vennero eseguiti tra XI e XV sec, la cosiddetta rivestivano a palinsesto la prima superficie decorativa. Alcuni vennero strappati dai restauratori Botter, per portare alla luce gli affreschi dell’VIII sec, di epoca longobarda

Saranno restaurati

1 11

ホクサイ(@ botterhokusai)さんのひさめちゃんです

8 46

Une petite Merry prête à botter des culs au paintball ! Ai-je précisé qu'elle était du genre têtue et bien décider à ne pas perdre et ne pas abandonner?

2 13

Starting to get my flow back after my slip n fall

botter is yakuza????

2 7

Was skeptical of launch strategy but it avoided botters and whitelist grinds while giving access GCG to many at .1 just as the team intended. Flyin on secondary in sales and unique owners

Gang fkin gang

1 11

some stuff was bottering me...

0 13

Voici le lien direct pour voter pour moi sur Instagram! C'est la finale d'un concours de dessin, et je me fais un peu botter le derrière en ce moment 😂

Cliquez ⬆️ svp pour voter pour moi!!!!!! Je compte sur vous! Chaque vote compte!

0 2

I would love to find an art1st to c0m1ss1*n to make Mia's outfit from xenoblade chronicles 3 for my live2D model as a cosplay. The model only needs the outfit made. PS if ur a botter I will add u to my block list 🙃

1 9

Sometimes I miss playing MapleStory. Then I remember the botters.

0 1

I'm mad because they're as blind as a bat in a coma and it's irritating; they don't botter looking for games that already exist while these idiots claim there's no "diversity", heck Lifeline on PS2 has the heroine suffer of a mental disability, in a very subtle way to boot.

2 3