The 3D model of Guybrush is actually a quite a bit more complex than Manny's! But still, Manny turned out really nice, and I'm sure Guybrush will too. 😉

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I've decided on a new project to start working on: an Iron Giant! ...not the one a lot of people would think though, sorry; I mean the one from X.


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The hair was the last part I wanted to fix (since collisions...) on the 3D model before the actual test build of Paper Puppet Which (being all excited) I quickly started.😉


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Even if you're not into manga or anime, you can download this free cute Hanano Komachi and Sasa Dangoro mascots of Niigata's MangAnime community! 👦👧💎

MangAnimeナビ にいがた トペーパークラフ

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When getting a dashcam, you have to weigh the pros and cons: these Papago! dashcams for example are free, but they won't actually record anything... 🚗📹😇

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Have you been looking all over for a free of the WW2 Japanese sea plane tender Akitushima? Well isn't that a coincidence...! 🚢🛩️ 😉

秋津洲 トペーパークラフ

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I'm hoping featuring these three themed ones will make up for missing the last two Sundays... 🐰🥚🐤 😉

ヒバニー アチャモ タマタマ トペーパークラフ

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If you own any cows, you might want to think twice before downloading and building this free papercraft classic flying saucer 🛸👽🐮


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Did you know "muñeco de nieve" is Spanish for "snowman"? I learned that downloading the free toys from cabezoncanoso. 😉🤶🎄☃️


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Pompompurin is available as the 11th weekly official Pon Pon Jump! 🐶 (try the trick I mention in the first post if you missed any of the previous ones!)

ポムポムプリン サンリオ トペーパークラフ

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If you like SSSS.GRIDMAN Rikka Takarada figurines, have a look at S.V. Paper Craft website. 😉

宝多六花 トペーパークラフ

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The Western year is already in its second month, but for the Chinese the Year of the Dog🐶 will only just begin tomorrow! 🎇 生肖 狗 トペーパークラフ

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The Survive Walker Gears are a Japanese pre-order bonus,🙁 the simple Destiny Siva Nodes are an old official that you can still just download.😉 メタルギア ビデオゲーム トペーパークラフ

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For billionaire Howard Hughes, the real XF-11🛩️ was probably like the is to us...💸 トペーパークラフ

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