My cartoon for tomorrow. Tangled Brexit negotiations over fishing rights.

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Lockdown2 sketch. Day 17.
Well he had to appear sometime in a lockdown sketchbook!

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From the archives: back when life was “normal”...#BrexitReality

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Boris Johnson said Cummings wasn’t going anywhere, then he let him go. Johnson also said the Scots weren’t going anywhere ...

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From the archives: standing in for to do the Chartist cover 2 years ago

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Brian Adcock: The covid damaged economy might have more crap to deal with thanks to this shiteshow of a government. - political cartoon gallery in London

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So the U.K. Government rejects Transition Extension endangering the UK economy and the Public health.

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Peter Schrank: Last week a boat without crew was washed up on the Irish coast. I combined this with the latest twist of the saga. - political cartoon gallery in London

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My cartoon from of 23//2/19
Last week a boat without crew was washed up on the Irish coast. I combined this with the latest twist of the saga.

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PAUL THOMAS on Boris and the Queen's speech
- political cartoon gallery in London

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Brian Adcock: What Boris are we gonna get? - political cartoon gallery in London

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