画質 高画質


21 114


18 60

Bruno Bucciarati

71 315

Please come and listen to the song in the linked video once. This song is definitely Bucciarati and Abbacchio's, right? I will attach the lyrics to my reply.
And I'm ready for love…

11 44

i repainted a painting I made three years ago.重绘了三年前画的画。人鱼Bucciarati救年轻警察。可能是很想刻画好特殊水下光影,所以三年过去我挑了这张重画。虽然没有大的改动,但我感觉我有进步!重要的是现在画的更放松了。再过三年说不定会有新的版本

152 765

Golden heart.. Living the Golden experience.. Riding the Golden wind..

31 175

Sí ven algo corriendo por ahí es mi heterosexualidad 👌 Fem Pros y Fem Bruno ❤ junto a las pichulas góticas felices

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Bucciarati ascends to Heaven

17 207

buat anatomi sender bisa cek channel yutubnya Proko atau moderndayjames, buat belajar value/lighting/coloring (?) silakan cari channel marco bucci

ga ada jalan pintas nder, mastah2 di sekitarku diem2 latian sketching berlembar2^_^

btw ini perkembanganku 2019-2022, semangat yaa

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These are also one of his art work From Marco Bucci and yes they are drawn digitally with Photoshop and he also used to work at Disney

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Tha type of art is inspired by Marco bucci type of art. Why do you like it takooki? 🤔

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