💗 Grand Budapest Hotel 💗
— i still can't get over the pink from this scene

1 10

Szánalmas szerepet játszok saját bábjátékomban.
De, hívhatjuk életnek is! Emberi tévedés…
Önzés nevű méreggel átitatott empátia.
A befejezése gondolkodva…
-Szubjektív idealista lettem. nemlétező anyag
Az elme, mi meghatározza a létet.
Budapest 2022.

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A világ összes könnyeiben jelen vagyunk.
Könny a kezdeteknél…
és a végnél…

Budapest 2022

0 1

Nem az az emberi akarat kérdése foglalkoztat…
csak a beletörődésé…

Budapest 2022

0 1

🎨Liberale da Verona (c. 1445-1530) - La Vierge à l'Enfant et un ange, c. 1470 (Budapest)

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🎄season's greetings set
🎂Happy Birthday set
🏰Grand Budapest Hotel set

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James Stewart Margaret Sullavan

Una dependienta de un bazar de Budapest mantiene, bajo un seudónimo, correspondencia amorosa con un hombre al que no conoce.

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gm Citizens of the Triangle🔺

Lizard Gang have dropped, one of ten factions within our world.

Lizard Queen, Precious McBane, and her faction members The Villain & The Worm are looking for a home...🦎

Will you join the Lizards on their path to rule the NEO-Budapest Triangle? 👇

3 17

Heureux de vous annoncer la sortie du prochain single de pour le 16 décembre en digital ☺️
Tobe Pegasus (Glide Pegasus) par le Budapest Scoring Orchestra (Squid Game, Wednesday) 🔥

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Citizens of NEO-Budapest, the Lizard Gang is here🦎

They run the tunnels, and whoever runs the tunnels, runs the Triangle 🔺

The 3 character drop NOW LIVE - Dive in, explore, mint and join our world 👁️



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gm Citizens of the Triangle 🔺

Precious McBane, Queen Lizard, saw her family brutalised & killed in the early labour camps of the NEO-Budapest Triangle 💀

Now commands an underground army of the destitute and deprived numbering in the millions...✊

Lizard Gang are incoming 🦎

3 14

Lenfonal biztonsága a viasz ölelésében… Minden pólusomat ölelte az egykor rámolvadt viasz corpus.
Pólyája az életemnek. Igazi boldogság volt,..emlékezem rád…
De elmém lángja.. Elégetett. Füstté lettünk.
2020 Budapest SSz

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❄️christmas set
❄️season's geetings set
🏰Grand Budapest Hotel set

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gm Citizens of the NEO-Budapest Triangle 🔺

Shroomheads control the 🍄
Children of AI want the 👁️
Core Techs seek to destroy the 🤖
The Kings have the ⚔️

The Lizard Gang? They run the...⚫️

And those who run the tunnels, run the Triangle...🦎

6 19

Photo of Zendaya with a fan in Budapest.

77 1985

Renga x the grand budapest hotel for a DTIYS

13 55

gm Shroomheads 👁️

The Lizard Gang, those who run the tunnels underneath the NEO-Budapest Triangle and control the flow of goods 🦎

You need an implant? Ran out of Shroom? Guns more your thing? The Villain here has it all, and can get it to you QUICK 🫡


3 16

This is Murugiah!

Murugiah is an artist who creates stunning posters. The design and the form of the images in his posters make his style unique.

Check out his works: https://t.co/EDhITeVXqP

10 31

gm Shroomheads 👁️

Wild Cat, Lizard Gang's second in command 🦎

Lead runner of the tunnels that run from edge-to-edge deep beneath NEO-Budapest ⚫️

As we know; Those who run the tunnels, run the Triangle...🔺

More from Lizard Gang coming soon 👀

8 27

gm Shroomheads 👁️

The stories of the NEO-Budapest Triangle run long and deep, as deep as the tunnels buried beneath it ⚫️

Those that run these tunnels are known as the Lizard Gang, and only they know the secrets they hold...🦎

More coming soon...👀

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