Posting 2 of my latest completed commissions (3 characters) while working on another 2 characters (1 comm slot) in the background :)

Drawing in the day + Working at night is taking a hit on my productivity quite a bit, still trying to strengthen my mental fortitude

3 12

June babies <3

Birthday pics for my friends since our B'days fall very close to one another's :D

Happy B'day to both and <3

6 41

Finished all my commissions so far this month

12 pics completed since June started till now, consisting of 11 flats and 1 sketch

Happy with my present progress, hoping to be able to keep it up, but gonna take a short time off for some special days for the month :)

10 47

Amongst personal work and the last commissions this batch, I've completed most of what I needed to do

Wanna prepare for things I want to do

Will have to look over life stuff first before deciding how many slots to open, but here're some recently completed works :)

11 51