Bungie and Konami are racing to the bottom.

Destiny/Silent Hill fans, your feelings are valid. You are heard.

12 124

Sore art! yuk yang mau jajan art 😆 aku masih open ya, untuk pemesanan atau mau tanya-tanya dulu juga boleh bisa hubungi via DM ke Twitter @./dailymochii 🌷

0 5

potret sender kalau masuk dunia *hq

dikerubungi husbu ❎️
dikerubungi titan ✅️

11 238

Art! Besok terakhir pesan ya
Bisa hubungi sender di ig, uname ada di pic

1 4

*hq crossover bluelock

Hai hai, apakah ada yang berminat join GC kami? Bisa langsung hubungi bot ya!

Fyi, kita lagi mau ngadain event besar (Eeaaa besar) tapi maaf nih, kita gak nerima yang cuman numpang nama, adminnya galak + ambis soalnya.

0 26


hai haiii, aku mau numpang promosi comms art! ya untuk sketch dengab style seperti ini. yang tertarik boleh langsung hubungi akuu. terima kasih sebelumnyaa!

2 18

Sore art! Titip commission sheet ya 😆 kalau minat bisa hubungi via DM Twitter @./dailymochii . Terimakasih (⁠◕⁠ᴗ⁠◕⁠✿⁠)

5 11

hi warga art! base berminat? hubungi ararxyn ;D

0 8

☕ haai art! diorder yuk lg promo nih couple art bust up 100k, couple full body 180k ajaa✨️ minat hubungi @.soojinned yaaa

0 13

*hq Cw // Crossover Tokyo Revengers

Haloo!! Kami punya grup roleplayer di telegram khusus HAIKYUU & TOKYO REVENGERS rpers! Yang berminat silahkan reply dengan cara drop chara yang akan diperankan atau langsung hubungi ke id yang tertera, ya. Terima kasih & sampai (cont..)

8 25

I just realized Bungie took inspiration from my piece for this week's cutscene. Certainly took me by surprise when I watched the cutscene.

2097 21780

Comm for of their Warlock and Crow
They are literally so cute 🥺

8 35


Aimono (Coturian Form) - Psychic
Cowabungi - Psychic

37 291


Sama kayak GA kecil2an Hu Tao kmrn, mau GA kecil2an Nahida skrg. Kalo sender bisa mulangin Nahida no spook, 2 gc 60. Kalo kespook terus dpt, 1 gc 60. LIKE + RT! Nanti pemenangny sender hubungi (cont..)

323 437

Playing Destiny 2 with friends starting over with a warlock character after not playing for 5 years this should be fun 😅

2 0

Casually Anime Girl
(Ceritanya bikin fanart Yoimiya tapi kayak beda jauh >_<)

Terima Commision Art
Hubungi Contact Person di Bio

0 0

Soon in an asset dump near you, Pfhor Hunter from

4 10

Another Halo stuff, Brothers in arms WIP. Really wanna push this forward but been way too busy recently🥲. D***

230 1734


I finished drawing 's pretty bungirl 🥺 Wanted to add a fat cat to the pic somewhere but didn't wanna risk making it look like a hamster instead so nevermind 😂

7 20