Burmy Plant Cloak from the 'Platinum: Arceus' set!

Artwork by: Kyoko Umemoto

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412 - Burmy
Type: Bug

Abilities: Shed-skin, Overcoat

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Me when I see someone hating Burmy:

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412 - Burmy
Type: Bug

Abilities: Shed-skin, Overcoat

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Four new gijinkas planned for the Summer! Plant Burmy, Magnezone 'n Mega Sceptile will be male, with Mega Venusaur being female.

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burmy's so unmemorable, you forgot them on your list

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Envuelve su cuerpo con materiales cercanos para protegerse del frío y del ataque de depredadores. Algunas personas los deshojan creyendo que puede darles buena suerte.


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Proto Pokemon a day 1212
Proto Mothim

I like that he originally kept the Burmy wrapping while evolved

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Hab die Charaktere aus unserer Shadow of Eternity D&D Runde mit den Pokemon die ich am passendsten für sie finde, just for fun gezeichnet <3

- Datura & Lunatone
- Linden & Camerupt
- Frey & Burmy

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412 - Burmy
Type: Bug

Abilities: Shed-skin, Overcoat

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burmy (but I also love oricorio)

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burmy and the bagworm moth caterpillar!

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My theory is that Churmy and Chatform are actually the same entity with Season 1 Mikeys explosion propelled the mask all the way to Unova with it landing on and subsequently possessing a burmy. It may be a stretch but it makes since if you belive in random bull shit

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Sinnoh in my style-- Day 45, Burmy

here have three little shits for the price of one

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I see you’re filling up another. Will Single Burmy stand a chance against Click?

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