Malaria outbreak in Burundi reaches epidemic levels with 5.7 million infected this year Epidemic has taken the lives of 1801 people, equalling the death toll caused by in the neighbouring Democratic Republic of Congo

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Cartoon for 'FREE, FAIR and TRANSPARENT' elections

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The economic federation that is as slippery as soap on a tiled floor. Cartoon was published in the Star Newspaper

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Grandchildren are kissing her grandmother, who represents the source of the family. Kabezi. Burundi. By Isabel Corthier

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it would be nice to be WRONG... this one time, cartoon for

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So, Burundians overwhelmingly voted for constitutional reforms?

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It's that time of year again-!
Yo! I'm Carly!
I'm a half Burundian🇧🇮half American🇺🇸 animation student
who loves to make characters and play w/ cool shapes-!

411 1875

UPDATE: Tanzania and Burundi, we have good news for you today. In 2018, is expanding to include you too. 😉

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82°posto a livello mondiale per disparità uomini e Burundi.

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NKURUNZIZA l'état c'est moi ("I am the state")

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There is a contagion spreading fast in ...ATCHIOOOO!

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The irony of holding talks with other Presidents on crisis

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