Here lives the wild daniel, in his natural habitat

Such a majestic creature can only be described as incarnate.

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🏕FINALLY started watching Camp Camp recently BLAME FOR GETTING ME INTERESTED
so yeah have Max :D💙💥✨
pls wheres season 5 its been a fat while :(

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Daily Camp Camp 21 - Christmas Cards (formerly 19)

Jen can't decide on which themes to make for her batch of cards - there's too many in her mind at once!

0 5

Daily Camp Camp 20 - snowballs (formerly 16)

David wants to get even on that pesky little Daniel. Spaghetti-armed blondie cannot keep up with Davie's lumberjack limbs.

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drawing gwen + listening to the WHAS soundtrack, I'm flourishing

8 21

Day 22 of (actl missed a lot of days)

Why not make the dudes into bodybuilders and athletes?

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J: "Hunt's over, Dan. Better get washed for dinner. Don't want all that deer blood to stink."

D: /Whaaaaargbl/

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