What do y'all think of these match-ups? I don't know Robin well enough yet so I didn't choose a Pokémon for her for now... And Vivi has Carue 😋 and well... Chopper basically is a Pokémon 😹

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🦝Tali, la reina de los bajos fondos

- Ladronzuela y picaruela.
- Por muy pequeña que sea, si la tocas te raja.
- Leal y cariñosa con unos pocos.
- Huidiza y cautelosa con todos los demás.
- Siempre viene cuando la necesitas.
- Sabe y es más de lo que parece.

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let's draw the straw hats from memory 💭

(+bonus vivi and carue bcos they're honorary straw hats!)

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Memories from past Anime North when was the captain of our cosplay group. Real happy with this one and real glad to have an awesome baseball t made by

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