Does you cat prefer the perfect box or the coziest cat bed? We bounce between them both according to our whims! 😸

(Art by @ milkkoyo on Instagram)

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This reminds us of the popular game Neko Atsume (Kitty Collector) 😸. Did you play it when it was popular? Meowmy still plays to this day!

(Art by @ weareextinct on Instagram)

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It's raining cats and dogs in Boston this morning! How about where you are?

(Art by @ irmirx on Instagram)

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Always a good day when our feline overlords are feeling generous 😸

(Art by @ lingvistov on Instagram)

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Did you know lucky cats are calicos? 😸

(Art by @ lilartsuff on Instagram)

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Happy to my feline-loving friends and their fluffy owners 😺Have a furry, fun-filled weekend! 🥰🦋😺

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