Congrats on 300 Cookie!!!, for me however, I am Ceara I like to draw when I have the time, an in the spirit of Cookie's art share I will post my favs from what I've drawn for her (Spoiler they are all my favorite)

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Thanks Cookie~ I am Ceara, I'm a casual artist and I'm just looking to have fun and share my own art from time to time and be proud! Sketches to Paintings, always trying.

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dcst manga spoilers//
X: Senku, Cómo te sientes despues de que tu antiguo mentor ordenara/permitiera que te balacearan no una, si no DOS veces, que casi eliminaran a TODOS tus amigos, ah, y que por culpa de la petrificación te perdieras años de la infancia de Suika?

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Hello! I am Ceara I do art all at once or not at all, here is a couple things I've done recently~

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I was commissioned by to do some art of Sophia and Oceara

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Recently jumped into a new Pathfinder campaign. I decided to draw my kitsune druid, Ceara, with her kestrel companion, Arrow. 😍💕

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La región de Ceara, donde se desarrolla es una región muy extensa y variada.
En la Beta 1 podremos recorrer una de las zonas de la región, el ✨Distrito de Cidela✨ en cual comienzará la aventura de nuestros protagonistas.
¿Tienes ganas de conocerlo?

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I'm Cearan! I'm bi and I started doing digital art 7 months ago and I am having so much fun!!!

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Norman com certeza é cearaense e ninguém consegue me convencer do contrário, o potão do mlk

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I got a couple!

1. Lady Sub - commissioned sculpture from Erin Peters
2. Tentacle Hentai art by Saint Regard
3. Portrait by
4. Ceara & Satan by yours truly

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Gotta do a luma Oceara for the one I found! Thank you so much for the radar update!

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cerals with crunch ---> cearal no crunch

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Eu desenhei esse Velho amigo

Q eu sempre ia na casa dele só pra jogar gta no ps3 dele(alias eu jogava na casa do meu primo tb quando eu viajava pro ceara ne UwU), entaum quando ele pediu pra eu fazer um desenho pra ele eu fiz ne, pq seila ne é tipo um obrigado

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Thank you for the tag! My name is Ceara and I make art for myself and one day I hope I make art that makes other people happy

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Some more fanart, this time I drew Oceara and it's Luma

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