Áine, the Queen of the Fairies in Irish mythology, is the goddess of love, fertility, the sun, and Summer. The summer solstice and the days leading up to midsummer are her sacred days. Rites were performed in her honour as recently as 1879.
🎨Julia Cellini.

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It's Emmy's birthday! Dominic Cellini posted the original concept art of her online exactly 3 years ago: https://t.co/RRmfrceQbq

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Non so se lo abbiate capito, ma amo le fiabe e raccontarle. Da pochi giorni in famiglia c’è stato un lieto evento e ho pensato che sarebbe bene ripassarne qualcuna: stanotte saranno piccoli principi e principesse, volpine e uccellini blu e poi…Notte bimbe!

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Che amore questo dipinto dear Brin💖💖💖😘la felicità di portare 3 uccellini addosso, sulle spalle e la testa si vede al viso della ragazza….meraviglioso🔝🟢🟡🟠grz cara amica BG a te e amici

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"Futuro Precedente" by Jesús Aparicio Arch and Donaire Milans Arq, the local architects Francesco Cellini and María Margarita Segarra, together with Alejandro Pajares, first prize in the competition for renovation and expansion of the Royal Academy of Spain in Rome

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Eduard Ender, 1822 – 1883, Austrian painter, Francis I of France in Benvenuto Cellini's studio in Fontainebleau

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Nandroid drawings based off that ominous positivity post where Dominic Cellini said this is how they talk

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Splendida la bella di bianco, un bel dipinto dove fiori e uccellini fanno da padrone, grazie carissima amica Brinbuona domenica a te e amici
Michael e Inesse Garmash

12 19

I have just received this beautiful commission of my oc Katherine by i absolutely love it!! Thank you so much Dom!!

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Dimmi bel sole,
Chiede il bambino
Che fai levando ti presto al mattino?
Spengo le stelle rispose,che nella notte sono fiammelle
Fasci di rose spargo sul mare,tutta la terra vado a destare,
Bacio coi raggi fiori e uccellini,batto ai balconi,sveglio i bambini
( Filastrocca)

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Prendi nota Fratello...serve un decreto che impedisca la movida agli uccellini che, mentre il gallo sta ancora russando💤, cantano come matti svegliandomi😟😔 BUONA DOMENICA sonnacchiosa a tutte/i ecc.(EI&C) 😆🎶🎻💐🍁🍂🐞🍀🍀🍀
🎨Baccio Maria Bacci

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Beth is a nandroid and a character of "Emmy The Robot '' that is a webcomic written and drawn by Dominic Cellini ()

Beth é uma nandroid e é uma personagem de "Emmy The Robot" que é um webcomic escrito e desenhado por Dominic Cellini

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Illustration for 'Benvenuto Cellini' by Eric Fraser, 1937

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Almost there ...
Cellini study using the tools of daVinci in (Real-ink™ prototype brushes)
Thinking of adding some ink lines so that means I have to put finalise the quill brushes and their ink flow before I can quite finish this one.

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made an android OC sketch i working way to long on. with the Dominic Cellini "Emmy nanny droid world" as frame work. used the idea of a defective android walking around buying up every deviant programmes and bodymods she can find. and using them to her heart's content

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Dominic Celliniさんが描いている
WebコミックのEmmy the Robot

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A wee li’l bunny Emmy, with a thousand pardons begged of Sterling Robotics and Mr. Cellini.

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Hai disegnato Alan (più volte), hai disegnato Fanny, hai disegnato Saikhaan, ORA TOCCA A LUI ⬇️💖 A parte gli scherzi, magari ho ancora fortuna 🤣😍 Ben è un uomo buono, ma purtroppo è fatalmente attratto dagli “uccellini feriti”... e questo lo sai bene 👀🔥

3 11

Yaaa... perdón, esta publicación podría ser un poco violenta...pero tenía que hacerlo....
Me inspiré en un estatua llamada "Perseo con la cabeza de medusa" de Benvenuto Cellini.
Lamento haber profanado tal obra de arte...#KarmalandFanart

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