Thank you so much Atlus for not letting us see half naked demons. Us Megaten fans get very scared when we see them!! 🙏😊

26 774

While people are complaining about the totally expected censorship in Persona 5 X, I'm more upset that they made new renders for Clotho and Lachesis, but not Atropos...

0 21

I love the Lamia redesign because I'm gay but my favourite thing is that they put a vest on her in the name of censorship and then gave her larger boobs anyway

39 405

ok but this was always a lollypop
it's not "censorship", sojiro smokes in the same game

1 20

You know whats funny? If you give a close look you will see she is wearing spats, which sometimes already is a common method for avoiding or erasing pantyshots, be it for the purpose of censorship or merely as a design choice

11 90

I hope this censorship is worth it ^^ thanks for the opportunity

0 1

While the white blood hit effects are infamous and Jedah's purple blood attacks are somewhat well known, one lesser-known instance of blood censorship in Darkstalkers is the blood strewn about in the Forever Torment stage.

5 23

Twitter played a role in J6 ,many others used as a weapon with words and used it effects people . We are a land of censorship , Do when wants to ban tik tok it’s hypocrisy since many got him elected as well as many senators have stock in

0 1

But the description at didn't say any of this?

Of course I did not.

Not knowing how sensitive the Chinese censorship board might be like, I didn't want 'Follow Black Rabbit' to be banned before the show began.

So I talked about other aspects of it.

0 17

censorship and freedom of speech in the United States . I never thought there would be a day where the house would meet to censor American Cotizens and elimination of books in our country . We all should be concerned . Spell

2 2

Kommish for sharing you his fishsticks as he respectfully stares down at you Owo;;

Koi did the censorship this time XD

yus X3 finally able to continue kommish, now to proceed with the ones after this Owo

1 8

For those new, I am Codename CatFish, a YouTuber!

- I like computers, except for when I don't.
- I am NOT an Nvidia, AMD, intel, Nintendo, Microsoft, or Sony fanboy.
- I know that censorship of fiction is objectively lame.
- I am neither cat nor fish, I am a robot loli VTuber.

4 25

Remaining vigilant in this age of pointless censorship is important, but between the recent anime trailer being unafraid to accentuate certain features & the promo/bonus art for limited editions of Ryza 3, there seems little to worry about thus far.

23 80


We didn't believe in international surveillance - Snowden proved us wrong. We didn't believe in global censorship - Musk proved us wrong. How many people do we need in order to realize what's behind our backs?

0 1

Fourth screenshot was cut from the English version.

3 16


Just put my taste... 🙃
Sadly, my Mona now change costume into censorship version...

0 13

The European Parliament sends a clear message to Azerbaijan: energy cooperation won't buy silence. A recent report by MEP Željana Zovko criticizes Azerbaijan for corruption, lack of judicial independence, media censorship, and persecution of journalists and the LGBTQ+ community.

72 199

English version:Marik freaks out from seeing Shadi.
Japanese version:Marik sees his dead father and Shadi rises in spirit form from Ishtar's body.

4 22