Morning everyone! So still have some commission slots open if anyone wants to have me draw them something awesome! Will draw anything, even some NSFW, but you have to email me at for that. DM or email me at for anything else!

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Thanks so much for doing this~ ♥️ hey everyone, the name is cewtes (cute with an S) and I like drawing cute stuff! I hope you like. 😁

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Hey everyone! I'm cewtes (cute with an S) and I like drawing cute things mostly! But always up to draw new things. 😁 My Instagram is

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This is a fun spin 😁 Hey everyone~ I'm cewtes and I like drawing cute things particularly. Lately more of the pink/red ish color schemes have been my favorite.

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Hey there! I'm cewtes and here some of my stuff. :) Hope you like~

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Hey there guys~ I'm cewtes and I like drawing cute things mostly. But will draw anything that comes to mind. I'm completely self taught and working hard to improve so I can be a freelancer one day. Hope you like!

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Don't have a portfolio yet, still working on my website as a whole, but hello! I'm cewtes and I like to draw pretty much anything cute. Though at some point there may be macabre things entering the scene. I'm completely self taught and still learning, but hope you like my stuff~

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Congrats! I'm close to that milestone myself~ (close being like 20+ away 😅) Anyway, hey guys! I'm cewtes and I like to draw cute things! I'm completely self taught and trying hard to improve even more so I can be an artist full time! I hope you guys like what I've got~

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Hey all~ I'm cewtes and I'm a 28 year old self taught artist who wants art to be her career someday. I hope you like what I've got so far. I'm working hard to improve.

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Thanks for this~ Hey guys. I'm cewtes, 28, self taught, and from the PNW. Working hard to improve my art so I can make it my living someday. Hope you like~

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Thanks for this post! Hi, I'm cewtes, a 28 year old self taught artist from the PNW. I tag because she is one of my besties and deserves love for the art she does. And she's awesome sauce. I hope you all like what I've got!

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Thanks for doing this! Hey, I'm cewtes, a 28 year old self taught artist from the PNW who wants to make art her career someday. I hope you like my art!

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Hey there~ I'm cewtes and here is some of my art. I hope you like them. :)

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Hello everyone! It's nice to meet you all. I'm cewtes and I'm a 28 year old self taught artist who wants to make art her living someday~ I hope you like. :)

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Thanks for the thread! ♥️ Hello everyone, I'm cewtes and here is some of my stuff. I'm working hard to improve my work so that I can make art my full time work. I hope you like :)

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Hey there everyone~ My name is cewtes, I like drawing pretty and cute things. My art resolution is to improve enough that I can get some more commissions coming in and someday make art my living. Here's some of my stuff, so i hope you like them ~ :)

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Happy New Year! I'm cewtes (cute with an s) and here's some of my stuff! 🎉♥️ I hope 2020 is full of good things for everyone~

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Happy New Year! 🎉♥️ Hey all, I'm cewtes (cute with an s~) and here is some of my latest stuff from 2019. I hope you like~ I'm excited to see where I and everyone else on Twitter in the art community end up in 2020

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Happy New Year Everyone! 🎉 I'm cewtes (cute with an s!) And bere's some of my stuff from this year~ I hope you all like. :) And I can't wait to do even more amazing stuff in 2020!

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Thanks for this Micro ♥️ Hey all, I'm cewtes (cute with an s~) and art for me has been a passion. I fell out of it for a while, at least a few years out of high school, but I plan on getting good enough I can make it my living.

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