[Second one yeah 2/2] huh? You say you expected something else?

*Creator is laughing in the background XD

1 8

[First one 1/2] Mommy Cherry only want love :'c

2 12

[Sweet appearance hiding the lies of the truth] Mirror/ and Normal x'D

*Through the mirror she allows herself to be seen as a "Shadow". . .once you make her angry she will show you her true self.

* "Void of the creators Mind, Forgotten paradise"

5 18

[Old picture...] My name....is...

Cherry: "you wanna know What was my name before I got here?...ah...I...I'm so sorry but I can't remember it..."

3 6

[Cherry Baby UwU] Cherry: "Hewoo! <3 "

*I kinda like it...so Here you have!! -3-

3 12

[Human! Au (Friendshiptale and ACherrytale)] Cherry and Gemy

C: "This is mah best friend Gemy~! look at him..is so cute!"

G: "C-Cher?.....c'mon...d-dont take-oh..."

4 10

[Re-Draw 2022] Failed mission 512. For a single second the human wins the battle!

"Oh dear...I...lost?..I?.."

4 9

This Is a WIP based on a RP xd..//

*Cherry after the fight against Gem

*This ending ends in Tie , as both are injured by each other at the same time.

1 4

"Have a great day!!"

Kanaye: "Why are you seeing my mommy? Shu Shu!!"

//Don't finish painting it today...I'll do it tomorrow..waaaa!!

1 4

[Yay! Friends!! <3] "Even though time has passed they are still friends.."

//A gift for my friend uwu

5 11

[Today we have... A.C!!! She is so cuteeee!! OwO]

asja i love this cute little bean <3

6 19

[The Call] Next book or spin off(?] uuhm...maybe?? xD

Kanaye feels like he's being controlled by someone else...since he can hear the voice of "them"<

he wonders....if he really was always in control.

0 6

//The draw of today (Escape of Gray Land!!<)

"Colors are not allowed here. Little puppets!"

*The Cherry Gang Archive: >Rescue of E-001<

0 6

[I Know isn't the best, but I made it with love for my friends*] Haruyo x Fang

"Woaah! H-hey i'm working!!"

"eh?B-but. . . only a moment!! p-pleaseee!?"

*the cupcake died. . . NoOo ;n;

5 15

[I Know isn't the best, but I made it with love for my friends*] Kanaye and Lucy <3

"My beautiful lady, may I have this dance?"

L:"No." K:"a"

L:"it was a joke... idiot"

3 10

[I Know isn't the best, but I made it with love for my friends*] Denten x Cherry

"soo. . . Shall we?" / "hm. . . sounds good"

3 9

Wip for dunno-maybe one day. . .have a genocide bae x'D

yee-i'm back thank you(?

2 5

[Pov. Youre Kanaye's Girlfriend] //yeee i wanted post this too UwU

Cherry: "That's My baby! Mami love you sweetie"

Kanaye be like:

5 8

[Pov. Kanaye shows you his True Hair color]

Kanaye: "Oh dear. . . You really wanna see it? okay then. . . let me just-"

5 10