Fat idiot monkey is tired.

Warmup from last night but lowkey it's a mood. My parents just installed a "sound booth" which is gonna do jack all except make my room warmer, become smaller- my workspace will be claustrophobic, and I have even more shit in my room.

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Day 6 of Quarrantine

Chibi is pissed off at literally everything. She yelled at a toaster for no reason this morning.

Well that and she's tired of sitting around the house.

Just give her a day or two she'll get over it.

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Aight so

My college is closing its campus for the entirety of the Spring term which means I'll likely be going home and taking my stuff with me.

They announced this at 8:30 this morning during my class and the student body is in mass panic.

So have Hotpocket V2.

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"I worked on this for 30 hours and I HATE it."

IDK bout y'all but I'm a perfectionist and I can't stand seeing errors sometimes. It makes me angry.

Really angry.

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Do y'all ever just have one of those days?

Please take care of yourselves guys I'm begging you ;n;

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*Chibi Screeching*

Leave her alone, she's just asserting her dominance.

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Whatever you do- don't feed your art gremlin after midnight.

She will eat your sandwich.

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"Smells like teen spirit around here..."

Folks in my building were partying late last night and I have 8AM classes- so my current sleep schedule isn't really built for staying up that late =3=

Also I have a little nest of pillows that I curl up in when i sleep.

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Always be sure to take breaks and don't overwork yourself! Getting that extra work done now might be rewarding now, but it may not be worth the burnout down the road.

Take care of yourself and don't worry about taking time to recharge! <3

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Whenever you're feeling burnt out, don't hesitate to take a break! Take a day off- do something fun! Your mental and physical health is important, don't work yourself into the ground!

A message from your local workaholic grump artist <3

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"Why don't you wear normal clothes for work?"


Working freelance from home has its perks- such as wearing the coziest of onesies (well and acting like a mad lad in the comfort of your home)

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Overslept today so I figured today would be the perfect day to post this... Whatever day it is XD

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Oh dear, what has she gotten her hands onto?

Edit something funny onto the pillow and reply to this post- I'll retweet anything I find particularly funny (just nothing too lewd/vulgar pls).

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Anxiety can be a real pain in the rear, especially when it comes to everyday things like interaction or driving. However from my experience, I've found that things can get better over time.

You can do it <3

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