and Lina Foord, my two babies ♥
always inspired me by both of them!

30 140

I needed to draw something of her. although the result was not what she expected. 😬

93 623

Official costume for
now she will have her hair in a bun ♥
i hope you like guys!

35 197

where was Chrystal?
Well, in San Andres islands, taking a well-deserved vacation from so much crap that it happened to her! XD
a line of stamps of the white thing (?? I hope you like♥
technique: work in vectors

22 137

ohh i need drawing this girls in one world ♥
As I have created a different universe from Bendy's Mafia, in this universe Lina hides in Joey's study waiting for her little angel.

22 127

doodle of ;o; lamento desaparecer, pero, mi salud no esta al 100 ;w; asi que les dejo esta joda fea.

38 271

new costume and style official
yep. i playing with her style a after a long time I choose a new hairstyle for her

23 182

in version.
cada año saco su version, asi que esta seria su mas actualizada version riders.

33 221

in B/W and color ♥
i redesign the concept i did a work long time ago ♥ here ♥ yay

15 83

i really sorry sonic XD But it`s a different form of she say, NOP, haha ♥

Chrystal is mine. (sorry for my english XD)

41 247