For our future, for our new generation, we will fight as hard as we can to the end.We need to bright our future and next generations. So we will show our unity. Stay safe and keep fighting
We can do it.

3 6

For our future, for our new generation, we will fight as hard as we can to the end We need to bright our future and next generations. So we will show our unity. Stay safe and keep fighting
We can do it. !!!💪💪💪💪

208 214

We must show our youth power. We must show our unity.
Let's fight together for our future. We are young and strong. We need Democracy.

1690 2055

Don't feel afraid for tomorrow! We need to be strong!! Fighting 💪🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻

564 529

Unity is Strength!
I believe our wishes will come true if we are always together in demanding for democracy. Let's fight until the last minute for our future.

105 105

We must fight for unity and justice, for our future goals, dreams, education and new generations. We all need to be one now. Unity is the strength.

495 478

For our Dreams,hopes and Safe,bright ,better future

2098 2299

စစ်အာဏာရှင်စနစ် ငါတို့မျိုးဆက်နောက်ဆုံးဖြစ်စေရမယ်
စစ်အာဏာရှင်စနစ် မုချကျဆုံးပါစေ!!

4 4

This moment is very important for the future of all of us. We only need justice, so we will fully support our leaders we want. We believe we can do it!! Stay Safe and keep fighting!!!

85 82

Unity is strength!!
Let's fight and win together!!
We can do it!!
The future depends on what we do in the present.
Lets show our courage!!
Dont feel afraid for tomorrows.
We need to be strong !!

411 405

I understand your struggle, My place has been suffering a similar situation 😖
STRIVING FOR FREEDOM IS A NATURE OF HUMAN✊🏻 and Fuck the military force

1 1

We can't go back 1988.We need to fight for our future.This is our battle with monsters. We will win this fight, together. Keep going up together with full strength and faith.

2602 2958

We want our leader back.She is our future,our hopes and our light.Don't let take into the darkness again
Let us creat our future with our own hands.Our future depends on,Now I'm fighting for the future of youths!!Resist ,but recharge

5007 6744

We can't go back 1988.We need to fight for our future.This is our battle with monsters. We will win this fight, together. Keep going up together with full strength and faith.

734 736

I believe our wishes will come true if we are always together in demanding for democracy. Let's fight until the last minute for our future. Stay Strong .

202 202

"We will surely get to our destination if we join hands"

458 434