Unes poques vinyetes del còmic que he fet pel que sortirà tard o d'hora. Compren! (quan surti, clar)

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WANTED TO SAY THANK YOUUU FOR THE WICKEDLY WILD STREAM TODAY! Thank you the raid Blu! Thank you the all the support Clar & Rinzler! The stream was so much fun I hope everyone had a blast!

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So originally, My idea was around the 12th of May, that I'd start looking for Clar for the last time. I think I should delay it for Saturday, and speak to my counsellor about it first; just to avoid heartbreak if I can't her.

I ask myself this: ...why...? Why can't I let go...?

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Jo tinc clar quina sera la imatge que portaré com a STAFF a la meva samarreta ,per quan fem el tour i XD
I ja de pas amb ganes de que en digui una data de sortida del manga “ del flai” XD

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As for me, well, I'll be back to my normal, maybe even goofy self again. I am starting to miss him, you know?

Oh, and one more thing, Clar. Whenever we do get to meet? I hope I get to return those hairbands back to you. Maybe we get to get each other contacts, and we can just...

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I drew a sticker of Clar. Yay! The best character I.. wait, he belongs to and not me? Aw.. 😭Hope you like!

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My NPR shader in Unity has a periodical achievment! Its not easy to learn modeling and drawing texture🥲. The orignial character named Clar from the game "Sequel Awake", I design a new suit for him😉

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(1/2) irodori raiden shogun !!! collab with my irl Good Friend who Totally Exists (@/clar.iv on IG!)

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Dijous, dibuix.

Quan vaig fer el projecte per dur al vaig fer un dossier el més complert possible, és clar.

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Placa per a mòbil. Home inflat pel dimoni. Vers 1840-1875
 La llanterna màgica és el precedent més clar del cinema com a tècnica i com a espectacle. Visita el i descobreix com era el cinema abans del cinema.

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Eso Axo, dicelo y bien clar0, a tope, que la vida solo es una, que les das un guantazo en la cara al cara almeja

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Retorn a les aquarel·les!
Aquest any amb en hem il·lustrat el nou Atles d'ocells nidificants de Catalunya d'. Inclou 233 espècies, cada una amb la seva il·lustració original, i des de bon principi teníem clar que no serien digitals: faríem aquarel·les. 👇🏼

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Started redrawing my young Clar and can't stop staring at her cute blonde ends. Just awww little girl 🥺🤲

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Els actors de ho tenien ben clar. La foto amb mascareta.

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New OC - Alodie Clar

It's an adopt from !


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Whatever will happen, I'm going to Cry, Becuase they all relate it the idea that it should all be over. I get to finally close my neverending Chapter and correctly move to a new one. A New Life With or Without Clarissa. And if I am without her, Tell Clar that I'll make her proud.

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