I've had this dumbass hypothetical for

maybe not a whole-ass song mod but like

a set of animations that I've been calling



It's just Santa Clause but he schmooves like Agoti does

This is what happens under the influence of Nermal Nermal Nermallin', be safe

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51 106

Here are some works by British artist Sir George Clausen (18 April 1852 – 22 November 1944).

Part one.

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Oh Ho! I certainly will! I hope you enjoy my artistry Santa Clause

0 3

Hes like Santa Clause. He comes by once a year. But he doesn't leave presents... he leaves bodies.

Get it on merch https://t.co/xeIMiFuqj8

Get the hires: https://t.co/ictxiUtkYK

0 2

Today I purchased the naming rights to one of my Santa Hat with $METL
He is angry at me because this $METL purchase will probably age like buying pizza with 🤦‍♂️
"Santa Clause"

1 3

It was a tradition they eventually grew to see as both barbaric and counterproductive, but in the early days the Clauses started each New Year by cooking the lowest performing elf in the Toy Shop. https://t.co/AggRh84mFB

16 164

Chris and Cristine Masity they are both under the watchful eye of the Santa clause

0 1

Top 5 minters this week wins 2% contract royalties on the next NFT drop & 3 Sound Clauses & 2 RPv2 Sound Guardians & 1 RP Music Key [.23ETH value]

All mints count toward total:

RP Key - https://t.co/voceD9bi1P
Guardian - https://t.co/0JTPNbTdQ2
Clause -https://t.co/PWyT6dcrPh

41 63

Did you know clause is actually argentinian

8 30

Today, Movie Slate learns about the joys of paperwork and Santa Clauses - https://t.co/WsgOG9et1s

On the list of movies that hold up (despite all their short-comings) this one is weirdly up there.

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