It'd be fun to see you do Jacki the Jackalope, she would probably fit well with the claymation style.

0 4

I love this tiny critter I wanna hold her 🥺🤲🏻

Your work is absolutely phenomenal! It’s all extremely impressive and I love behind the scenes stuff like this! My Mom also loves stop motion/claymation and thought your work was really clay! Very impressive work 💖💖💖

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Current targets

get an OG next to my GC
get another junkie to get lvl 3
wait till value of reach the world of

11 27

Turn Battle Road into a long sweeping epic, and anywhere from 3-10 School of Deduction graphic novels. Then I'd dabble in claymation, maybe with Aardman?

1 9

Claymation Trooper is here 👁👁💖💖💖💖

1 16

Yeah play around with them if you put all of them in it makes it kinda claymation

0 1

here's our posters from streaming moon rpg. moon rpg is another game that I want to erase from my brain and start all over again. the combination of claymation and spritework, the fakeout at the top, the sound design, the character design, the music.. it's a game I love a lot 1/2

8 23

Ok but what is this?!!!! I respect the claymation more than the invalid outlines in this one

0 2


Its a beautiful day in The Neverhood! We're gonna be playin though this fun looking CLAYMATION point and click! Come stop by and keep me company!
(Link below!⬇️)

1 5

Finally decided on what I want to play tonight!
And whats that, you ask?

The Neverhood!
Charming looking little point and click where EVERYTHING is claymation. All of it.
I am so so fuckin excited for this one

0 13

SMT IV/A is my favorite in terms of art direction for demons tbh.

On one hand, some are drawn by Kamen Rider designers

on the other, there's a demon made with claymation

1 3

Haven’t shared my in a while! So much going on with this project. Happy to be a holder

12 98

I'm all about work more specifically his 10k collection . These little buggers are handmade from clay its crazy to think about, Tyler spent ages working on them. Claymation and new Toks coming soon

1 3

various DALLE2 experiments 😊
-retro schlock horror movie made with Claymation
-animal playdoh sculptures, pastel drawing
-Picasso painting playdoh sculptures
-detailed collectible resin models designed by Picasso, glam photography

0 2

im going down a rabbithole learning about a claymation cartoon from 1994 that was way ahead its time and kinda falling in love with it. just another wednesday.

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El juego del día:#ClayFighter (#SNES)
Creador:#VisualConcepts en 1993
Una gran propuesta hicieron con este juego al utilizar gráficos estilo "Claymation" digitalizando modelos reales de arcilla. Los empleados del circo han sido afectados por un meteorito otorgándoles superpoderes

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