I was asked to draw a robot.
So I drew a Kobold Robot with a massive gun. Couldn't decide on colourscheme, so I made a Desert and a Forest version.

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If they weren't meant to be shipped why did hoyoverse design Al-Haitham to match her colourscheme?🤨

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Love this colourscheme, don't remember the last time i've gone pastel and light ヾ(*ΦωΦ)ノ
thanks for comiѕѕioпiпg me @/AltroGamingBros !

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gonna draw random ponies from each gen! This one's Starcatcher from G3. She was my favourite as a kid! And with that colourscheme I can see why.

Starcatcher said trans rights, I don't make the rules man

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Colourtime! Trying to decide if i should pick Cammy's green or blue bodysuit colourscheme 🙏

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i need herrscher elysia to have this cotton candy magical girl colourscheme

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When the lineart was done I had a vague Idea of how the colourscheme should be but first off tested it on this chibi 💜

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Can never decide on Jessie's colourscheme. But, anyways, I'm excited for Jellystone S2

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Been working on the last panel of the second page, this is the WIP. Tried to do something slightly different with the Hamon, but may add some of that lightning from JoJo's.
This one's colourscheme is meant to resemble something more like a colour shift.

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boop, colours - We finally in the raid part of anime, and Toei will almost definetly inflate it with filler, so I might as well give Ulti and Page 1 their anime colourschemes.

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Design wise!! He encapsulates a lot of design traits I'm guilty of almost always including in my designs... but he's allowed because he was the first. Once his design was established, it basically has not budged other that shifting his colourscheme to be warmer and less intense.

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And also little Overdrive Weisz ! I had to tweak the front design a bit, sorry! Now I need Jinn&Kleene colourscheme too ;-;

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dont RT is wip but mfw trying to do something that isnt just local-colourschemed but it not feelig right HMMMMMMM

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Number 31: Dzakiさん( )
Thanks for participating!
I've made a halloween colourscheme for youヾ(≧▽≦*)o

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Soooo my nautolan sentinel for SW5e, Ike Shaa'dovh, I kinda messed around with his design, flipped his colourscheme and ended up loving that more than the green. Soo he orange now. And yeah, I saw Suicide squad, you're damn right his pet rat is named Sebastian... 👀😅😆

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